From the Wikipedia:
Balls-Up-Hands-Down is a game similar to Volleyball in which players try to keep a ball in the air whilst receiving a High five after every 'spike'.
It was created by members of the Melbourne performance group Twitch Twitch during rehearsal for the play 'Smudged'.
To play Balls-Up-Hands-Down, players stand in a circle and a member serves the ball before receiving a High five from another player. Players continue to keep the ball in the air whilst ensuring that they receive a high five after every spike.
Balls-Up-Hands-Down is thought to utilise the dramatic convention of Split Focus, as the individual must concerntrate on dual objectives of keeping the ball in the air and High fiving the other players. It is therefore a useful game for concerntration and teamwork.
The title is thought to come from the moment in which the ball is in the air and the player who has just spiked strikes a open handed stance with both arms out, in anticipation of receiving a High five from a teammate.
I died in the final paragraph. Why is this up on wikipedia?